God loves to hear from His children and this book will help kids feel comfortable talking to God and singing praise to Him. Prayers include classic prayers such as “Now I Lay Me;” Biblical prayers such as “The Lord’s Prayer;” topical prayers such as how to pray when I am afraid or what to pray when I am thankful; and prayers from famous believers. Familiar Bible verses tell of God’s promises and encourage little ones to talk to Him every day. This is a great resource to help kids memorize 100 Bible verses. Includes two CDs with 100 new praise songs written and recorded by Grammy-nominated producer, Stephen Elkins.
최재희 @twin0808 4월 8일
'성공'이 아니라 '해방'이라는 목표를 향한 자기계발 그것을 자기 배려라 할 수도 있을 거다. 지금 우리에게 가장 필요한 것은 자기 계발 비판이 아니라 자기 배려의 기술일지 모른다. (박권일, 시사인)