
[트위터] 좋은 글(2013.4.12)

Stage2 2013. 4. 12. 23:35
August 17, 2010 4 - 8 years
In 100 Prayers, 100 Praise Songs, best-selling author Stephen Elkins brings an exciting and educational way for children to learn about prayer by teaching them 100 prayers to pray to God and providing 100 songs to sing Him praises.

God loves to hear from His children and this book will help kids feel comfortable talking to God and singing praise to Him. Prayers include classic prayers such as “Now I Lay Me;” Biblical prayers such as “The Lord’s Prayer;” topical prayers such as how to pray when I am afraid or what to pray when I am thankful; and prayers from famous believers. Familiar Bible verses tell of God’s promises and encourage little ones to talk to Him every day. This is a great resource to help kids memorize 100 Bible verses. Includes two CDs with 100 new praise songs written and recorded by Grammy-nominated producer, Stephen Elkins.



최재희 @twin0808 4월 8일

'성공'이 아니라 '해방'이라는 목표를 향한 자기계발 그것을 자기 배려라 할 수도 있을 거다. 지금 우리에게 가장 필요한 것은 자기 계발 비판이 아니라 자기 배려의 기술일지 모른다. (박권일, 시사인)




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