
[EBS 라디오] 2021. 6. 22

Stage2 2021. 6. 22. 20:56

▶ Start English

W : First, put your head under water and hold your breath.

M : Okay, I can do that. Can you count to five for me?

A : Sure, good job! Now how about trying to float on your back?

B : Hey I'm not ready to do that yet.


▶ Easy English

A : Hello? 

B : Is this TY Kim's speaking?

A : Yes, speaking. Who's calling please?

B : This is Easy Airline. We found your bag. Would you like it to be delivered to your address?

A : Oh, cool! What is delivery cost?

B : It's our fault so it's on us. (우리가 잘못했기때문에 우리가 부담합니다.)


'배움 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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